25 April 2012

I smell a... ...mouse

I think there is a mouse in the room with me - I heard a noise and caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye...

hmm - I am not going mad - here is the evidence
 After attempting to catch mousey with bait and speed - no good - they can move fast and can squeeze into tiny spaces.  The terrier at #25 would have been game - but probably lots of collateral damage and bloody mess so - professional help

A humane trap - left it in my room overnight and here is the result.  It leaves the mousey undamaged and auto resets - so it may catch the whole family

Guidance is to release mouse at least 1km from where caught - or else it will find its way back - Cannon Hill Park ought to do - it was very cold and wet - so a parting gift of its own weight in sunflower seeds.

And then to Automation University @ Edgbaston Cricket Ground. Here you see a combined 150 years or so in Automation.

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