21 May 2011

SSSI @ 27 Kingfisher

I have been colonised by smooth newts - this one is playing-dead just outside my backdoor; it was hiding under a log pile.  Looks like my plan to re-engineer garden water features will have to wait until I can provide a temporary pool for the newts

Out the front salsify planted ten years ago has successfully self-seeded and colonised my neighbours garage...

Front strip is looking very green - the plants are all self selected - those that have survived and re-seeded are looked after - no effort put into the weak or unhappy...

So its lemon balm (nice for tea), salsify (nice for salads and soups), hops (nice for beer), ladies bedstraw (nice for pillows), land cress (spicy in salads), sweet woodruff (nice in milk puddings), sweet cicely (nice with rhubarb) and assorted tulips, fritillaries, alliums, meadow cranesbill, iris, crocus, strawberries, mallow, poppy, oak, birch, salad burnett, crocosimia and some other flowers I cannot identify.  The olive tree was destroyed by next doors builders.

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