21 February 2012

In Ireland for Sanitation

It is audit time at work - and I'm off over the Irish Sea once again:

Interesting planes on the apron - 4 engines, Soviet made - just looked them up - Antonov 12BP

Nice when you are remembered - the waiter recognised my voice on the phone - and thanked me for my TripAdvisor review.  I was tempted by the sushi - but, really, you can't beat scallops straight from the west of Ireland for sweetness

Mains was a mixture of fried fish - there is some sea bass in there but it was the turbot that sold it to me

My companions

The gentleman is a former airline pilot and the lady was one of his cabin crew, now wife.  Keeps his hand in flying private jets - over to Doncaster a week or so back and got a tour round XH558 - lucky man.

Started out with Aerlingus but, being 707 trained spent much of the 80's flying for Air Nigeria (office manager turning the president's portrait to face the wall - there has been another coup), Air Zambia and flights in and out of Tripoli and Berui - but luckily not to Iran - warned off an offered extra sector by a contact who had just flown the Shar out of the country, and many many other tales.

A further claim to fame was, apparently, his last "interaction" with a certain Irish carrier - but sadly unrepeatable here.

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