21 July 2012

What I'm really into (according to Google)

I was reading this...

and he writes

'Type “Hal Varian Google ad auctions” into Google and you’ll see no ads'

which is, mostly, true - Mr V is a big cheese at Google and at the bottom of the page was a just the standard ad about advertising on Google and another about fine art auctions - which was strange because, although I have no interest in this, the previous paragraph on Mr H's page talks about adverts for art prints and fine art auctions.

Hmm - then I saw the link "why these ads?" - and here is what Google thinks I am into (minus baseball bats - which I edited out before I took the screen-shot - no idea where that came from - perhaps my interest in defense)

I am a bit worried about some of these - all that military/defense stuff - though if you have a 1959 English Electric Lightning in working order - I'm your man.  But JAZZ - oh no!  I wonder what the half-life for a category is before, if not reinforced, it drops off the list?

So I'm not going to edit the list - but come back and check from time to time.

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