The potato comes in its own little jar...
The Radisson in Silkeborg (it was formerly a paper mill),
restaurant Michael D.
Scallops and rhymed Halibut, Danish apples, cress
and caramelled Jerusalem artichoke,
followed by:
Outdoor Pig, puy lentil, heartsalad and sage
Nordic Cheeses (on a floor tile no less)
Clara fris, white chocolate & viper's grasses, jelly and sprinkle of oats*
and like the rest of everything we saw in Denmark:
Relentlessly well designed and reassuringly expensive
Is nobody scruffy? Does nobody ever just "bodge it"?
What would happen is someone just said "I just can't be bothered today"
its the domestic terminal at CPH
* it makes more sense in Danish:
Kammuslinger og rimet helleflynder,
danske æbler, karse og brunede jordskokker.
Frillandsgris, puy linser, hjertesalat og salvie.
De nordiske oste.
Clara fris, hvid chokolade, skorzenerødder
gelé og havredrys.
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