30 October 2004

Manchester 25th October - Delta 65 to Atlanta

Catering on Delta 65 Manchester -> Atlanta (compare with Lufthansa BHX to FRA)

Rush Hour at Atlanta

Trip to Cape Canaveral - ...hmmm, must be getting close

Big - Very big indeed (Business end of Saturn V)

Orange County Convention Centre - Rockwell Automation 2004

Orlando - Orange County Convention Centre
Automation Fair 2004 - There were lots of PowerPoints...

Radio 4 on Microsoft PowerPoint and the Decline of Civilisation (Real Audio):


Automation Fair... new stuff for RSLogix5000

Setting out for Disney World for the night - They took us to a disco - 255 male automation engineers and 3 women

Disney World, Orlando - A.K.A. 7th Circle of Hell

Rockwell Automation Fair 2004 - Feeding of the 14,000!

12 October 2004

Bethan Fox - First Visit to Cadbury Chocolate Shop!

10th October - ARDF in Leicester - Bob & Russ - First go at 80m

07 October 2004

The Directors still live above the shop... beware the guard dog however

Smiling victims waiting for my "12 Good Practises" Briefing - little do they know!

(Scores so far... Coffee - Carle & Montanari, Biscuits - WUDS)

Welcome to Winkler and Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen!

06 October 2004

The hotel is surrounded by beech woodland - where I was shown the difference between pfefferlinge and pfifferlinge* (Cantharellus cibarius) - though sources on the web say that pfe.. is just on old form of pfi..

*and had the latter in soup later that evening

Here it is from the gardens

Next Morning - Hotel Obere Mühle, Rengsdorf - nice, clean, friendly, good food but apparently last redecorated following requisitioning by American 6th Army June 1945

05 October 2004

Carle & Montanari - Fabio and Phil, nice clean, well organised factory

The famous meat trolley at the Olympic Hotel, Bologna - yes that is a pigs foot in a string bag (top left)

The pasta is excellent, the service is excellent and quick!

Alps on the way down to Bologna - very brown, very dry...

Brussels Airport - note the roof is exactly the same shape as Paris Charles De Gaulle - but here it is made of STEEL!

BHX @ 05:30 - all the passengers are here - but BA have not opened the check-in yet...

BHX @ 05:15 "Everybody remember where we parked"

03 October 2004

01 October 2004

Rule #1 - Never eat in any restaurant that Revolves, Floats or is Otherwise not firmly located on, or within, 10 metres of ground level* - the most disappointing Margharita I have ever had:

"With a height of 368 meters, Berlin's television tower is the second highest structure in Europe - On clear days, in the steal-enclosed globe that makes up the tower's 203 meter high viewing platform, one can enjoy a spectacular panorama of the entire city and its environs. A special attraction of the television tower is the Tele Café, a revolving restaurant directly above the viewing platform. The 200-seat restaurant rotates on a circling disk - one full turn takes about half an hour.": http://www.berlin.de/stadttouren/en/alex_3.html

* = A paraphrase from an article in Obsessive Traveller ~David Dale Flamingo Paperback - March 26, 1992

I was talking about Manufacturing systems - and the importance of knowledge - this slide got the biggest laugh, thanks Donald

Ich bin ein Creme-Egger - It was a tough crowd in Berlin - no one had heard of Cadbury (yes, you know, biggest choccy company in the world... etc.) and definately not Creme Eggs

It is not all glamour! (Lufthansa Cattle Class catering BHX-FRA)