14 June 2013

Bomber Who?

I know of two blokes called 'Bomber'- my colleague Mike Lancaster and...

Bomber Harris

Because of continuing controversy around the government policy of "area bombing" in WW2 there has never been a proper memorial to the 55,000 air crew plus greater numbers of civilians who died as a result of taking part in and suffering from bombing raids.  Nowadays we could just take out the bridges, railways, motorways and strategic communication hubs - back in 1940 "only one in three attacking aircraft got within five miles of their target"

Recently, and still controversial, a memorial has been built in Green Park.
Having seen the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight on Sunday and coming across this statue on my way back to Euston station I thought I should go and pay my respects.

Four Merlins and a Griffon

There was a big police presence positioned in the streets around Leicester Square - expecting some form of trouble or demonstration? Said one PC: "No, it is the Superman premiere ...and Russel Crowe is in town"

The memorial is at the West end of Green Park

There were a great many people paying their respects and discussing the bombing campaign and the part played in it by family members and others (My physics teacher was a Lancaster navigator).  Also the shame that it took nearly 70 years for the memorial to be authorised and constructed.

I found it all very calm, peaceful and I suffered a bit of welling up - especially on reading the note pinned to the roses...

It reads

 "To the brave men of Bomber Command on 70th anniversary of the Dambusters raids - thank you for our freedom.  I will never forget.  Joanna Lampard"


There is a 24 hour police guard at the memorial - I asked why and was directed to...


"but police are not sure if it was carried out by Muslim protesters or far-right groups trying to stir up trouble"

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